The Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal “HALO 194” (ISSN: 2334-6477) is a scientific journal published by the Emergency Medicine Institute, Belgrade, registered as a mass media publication in 1996. Until 2012, it was registered under the name The Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal – Halo 94 (ISSN: 0354-2777) and was published in printed form.   

Since 1st January 2013, the Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal “Halo 194” is published exclusively in electronic form and is available free of charge at the journal website  (, as well as at the Emergency Medicine Institute, Belgrade website ( еdukаciја/čаsоpis-hаlо-194).

The articles must be written in either Serbian or English, with summaries in both Serbian and English.

The journal is published three times a year.

The Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal “Halo 194” publishes articles relating to the following fields of medicine: emergency medicine, general medicine, internal medicine, cardiology, allergology, pulmology, endocrinology, neurology, neurosurgery, traumatology etc.

The journal is SCI indexed in the category M51.

Digital copies of the journal are archived in the Digital Repository of the Serbian Public Library. 


The chief editor/managing editor/deputy editor/editorial board of the Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal „HALO 194“ makes the final decision on which articles shall be published.  The chief editor/managing editor/deputy editor/editorial board bases its decision on the editorial policy and regulations regarding slander, copyright infringement and plagiarism.

The chief editor/managing editor/deputy editor/editorial board reserve the right to evaluate and not publish submitted articles if they do not comply with content or formal criteria. In regular circumstances, the editorial board will notify the author whether the article is accepted within three months from the article submission date.

There must be no conflict of interest between the chief editor/managing editor/deputy editor/editorial board and the submitted article. Should such conflict of interest exist, the choice of reviewer and the fate of the article is decided upon by the Scientific Board of the journal. The editor and members of the editorial board are obligated to immediately report the existence of conflict of interest.

The chief editor/managing editor/deputy editor/editorial board are obligated to judge the article based on its content, with no racial, gender, religious, ethical or political prejudice.

Editors and members of the editorial board mustn’t use unpublished material from submitted articles for their personal research without explicit written consent by the author. Information and ideas from submitted articles must be treated as confidential and are not to be used for personal gain.


Authors guarantee that the article is their original work, that it hasn’t been published before and has not been submitted for publishing elsewhere. Submitting the same article to several journals at the same time is a violation of ethical standards. Such an article is immediately declined.

If the submitted article is a result of a scientific research project or if it had been previously presented at a medical conference as an oral presentation (under the same or similar title), detailed information about the project, conference etc. should be described as Annotations at the end of the text. If the article had previously been presented at a professional meeting, name the official name, time and place of the meeting, whether the paper was published and how (under the same or different title; or if only the summary had been published). An article that had already been published in a journal can not be published again in the Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal „HALO 194“.

Authors are obligated to comply with ethical standards that pertain to scientific research. Articles that include research on human subjects must have written consent of all individuals included in the study, as described by the Declaration of Helsinki, as well as the approval of the Ethical Board that allows the research to continue and declares that it complies with legal standards. Experimental research on human material and animals must include the statement of the Ethical Board of the institution in question and must comply with legal standards. Authors guarantee that the manuscript does not include unfounded or illegal claims and that it does not violate anyone’s rights. The publisher accepts no responsibility for damage compensation claims.

 Article content

The article must include enough details and references to allow reviewers and readers to check all claims and statements it puts forward. Presenting false claims is a violation of ethical standards.

Аuthоrs claim full responsibility on the content of submitted articles and are obligated to, if needed, provide written consent from all individuals and institutions that participated in the research presented, before the article is published.

Authors who wish to include illustrations, tables or other materials that had already been published elsewhere are obligated to provide written consent by the copyright owners. The material that such consent has not been provided for shall be considered to be the original work of the author.


Authors are obligated to name as authors only those individuals who made a significant contribution to the article content, i.e. they are obligated to name as authors all individuals who significantly contributed to the article content. If other individuals, who are not authors, contributed to the research project or text preparation, their contribution should be mentioned in annotations or as a declaration of gratitude.


Аuthоrs are required to properly cite sources that influenced the content of the research and article. Information gained through private conversation or correspondence, through review during project or article submission etc. may not be used without explicit written consent of the source.


Plagiarism, or theft of ideas, words or other forms of creative content and presenting it as your own, is a major violation of scientific and publishing ethic. Plagiarism could include copyright infringement, which is punishable by law.

Plagiarism includes:

  • Exact or almost exact copying or careful paraphrasing (in order to hide plagiarism) pieces of text by other authors without naming the source or marking copied fragments (by, for example, using quotation marks)
  • Copying images or tables from other articles without properly citing the source and/or without the permission of the author or copyright owner.

We are warning authors that each article is checked for plagiarism.

The articles with clear signs of plagiarism shall be automatically rejected and the Ethical Board and the Director of the institution that the author works for shall be notified.

If it is discovered that an already published article is a plagiarism, it shall be retracted as described in the section Retracting published articles and the authors shall temporarily be suspended from publishing articles in the journal.  

Conflict of interest

Authors are obligated to state any financial or other conflict of interest that could have influenced the results of the research or their interpretation.

Mistakes in published articles

Should authors discover a significant error in their article after it had been published, they are obligated to immediately inform the editor or the publisher and cooperate with them in order to retract the article or correct the error.

By submitting an article to the Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal „HALO 194“ the author accepts all the responsibilities described in the text above. 


Reviewers are required to provide the editor, within set time limits, with a professional, argumentative and unbiased evaluation of the scientific value of an article.

Reviewers evaluate the articles on the points of matching the subject of the article with the journal profile, the relevancy of the researched subject and methods used, the originality and scientific relevancy of the data provided, the style of scientific narration and presence of scientific elements in the text.

If a reviewer has knowledge or reason to believe that an author is in violation of ethical standards, he/she is obligated to inform the editor. The reviewer should be able to recognize important articles that had been published, but the author did not cite. He or she should warn the editor about important similarities and congruencies between the article in question and any other article, whether it had already been published or just submitted for review to another journal, if he/she has that kind of knowledge. If the reviewer knows that the article had been submitted to more than one journal at the same time, he/she is obligated to inform the editor.

The reviewer must have no conflict of interest regarding the author or financier of the research. Should a conflict of interest exist, the reviewer is obligated to notify the editor about such conflict at once.

Should the reviewer consider himself/herself incompetent to provide an adequate review on the subject or matter the article deals with, he/she is obligated to notify the editor.

The review must be objective. Comments about the personality of the author are deemed inappropriate. The reviewer’s opinion must be clear and based on fact.

The articles sent to the reviewer are considered confidential documents. The reviewers mustn’t use unpublished material from submitted articles for their own research without explicit written consent by the author. Information and ideas from submitted articles must be treated as confidential and are not to be used for personal gain.


All submitted articles are reviewed. The aim of the review is to help the editor decide whether an article should be accepted for publication or declined and to improve the article quality through communication with the author.

The review is anonymous. The time limit for the review is one month. The review is free of charge. Reviewers do not get paid. 

The choice of the reviewer is the discretion of the editor. Reviewers need to have relevant knowledge about the subject the article deals with and cannot work at the same institution as the author, nor can they have collaborated as co-authors on recently published articles with any of the authors of the submitted article.

In the main phase of review, the chief editor sends the submitted article to two reviewers that are experts in the scientific field covered by the article. The review form consists of a series of questions, which point the reviewers to the aspects that need to be covered in order to make the decision about the fate of the article. At the end of the form, the reviewers are asked to state their opinions and suggestions on how do to improve the submitted article. Should there be a of opinion, a third reviewer is selected.

During the entire process, the reviewers work independently from one another. None of the reviewers know the identity of other reviewers. If the decisions of reviewers are different (accept/decline), the chief editor can ask other reviewers for their opinion. 

During the process of review, the editor may ask the author for additional information (including primary data), should it be needed to evaluate the submitted article’s contribution to science. The editor and reviewers must regard such information as confidential and must not use it for personal gain.

The journal is obligated to provide quality control of the review. In case authors have serious complaints based on fact about the review, the journal shall check that the review is objective and complies with academic standards. Should there be doubt about the objectivity or quality of the review, the editor shall ask other reviewers for their opinions.


Each individual or institution may at any time report to the editor and/or journal any ethical standards violations and other irregularities and provide evidence.

Information and evidence evaluation

  • The chief editor/managing editor/deputy editor shall confer with the editorial board about instituting proceedings with the aim of evaluating the received information and evidence.
  • During those proceedings, all evidence shall be treated as confidential and shall be disclosed only to those individuals who are directly included in the proceedings.
  • Individuals who are suspected of ethical standards violation shall have an opportunity to answer the charges brought up against them.
  • If it is concluded that there had, in fact, been an irregularity, it shall be classified as a minor or major violation of ethical standards.

Minor violation

Situations classified as minor violations shall be resolved in direct communication with the individuals who made the violation, without third party involvement. For example:

  • by informing the author/reviewer that a minor violation had occurred as a result of a misunderstanding or misapplication of academic standards;
  • a letter of warning to the author/reviewer who had made the minor violation.

Major violation of ethical standards

Decisions regarding major violations of ethical standards are made by the chief editor/managing editor/deputy editor and the Editorial Board as well as, if necessary, a small group of professionals. Applied measures can be, as follows (applied individually or together):

  • publishing an announcement or editorial describing the case of the ethical standards violation;
  • sending an official announcement to management or employers of the author/reviewer;
  • retracting a published article as described in the section Retraction of published articles;
  • authors shall be forbidden to submit articles to the journal for a certain period of time;
  • informing relevant professional or other organizations about the case, so they may take appropriate measures.

In resolving conflict, the journal follows guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE:


In cases of violation of publisher, copyright owner or author rights, violation of professional ethical codes (i.e. submitting the same article to several journals at the same time, falsely presenting oneself as the author, plagiarism, information manipulation and fraud) and all other cases of major violation of ethical standards, the published article must be retracted. In some cases, a published article can also be retracted to correct subsequently noticed errors.

Standards for retracting published articles are defined by libraries and scientific organizations and they have been adopted by the Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal „HALO 194“: in the electronic version of the article (the one that is being retracted),  an HTML link is established with the announcement of the retraction. The retracted article is saved in its original form, but with a watermark on each page of the PDF document stating that the article had been RETRACTED.


The Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal „HALO 194“ is available free of charge. Articles published in the journal can be downloaded for free from the website of the journal: and used for educational purposes.

The journal does not charge the APC (Article Processing Charge).


The published version of the Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal “HALO 194” is archived in PDF format at the Digital Repository of the Serbian Public Library, the SCI index and on the Emergency Medicine Institute, Belgrade website.


Аuthоrs are copyright owners who give the publisher an unexclusive right to publish the article.

The publisher receives the following unexclusive rights:

  • the right to reproduce and distribute the article in printed form, including print-on-demand;
  • the right to produce prepublications, reprints, and special editions of the article;
  • the right to translate the article into other languages;
  • the right to reproduce the article using photomechanical or similar means including, but not limited to photocopy, and the right to distribute these reproductions;
  • the right to reproduce and distribute the article electronically or optically on any and all data carriers or storage media – especially in machine readable/digitalized form on data carriers such as hard drive, CD-ROM, DVD, Blu-ray Disc (BD), Mini-Disk, data tape – and the right to reproduce and distribute the article via these data carriers;
  • the right to store the article in databases, including online databases, and the right of transmission of the article in all technical systems and modes;
  • the right to make the article available to the public or to closed user groups on individual demand, for use on monitors or other readers (including e-books), and in printable form for the user, either via the internet, other online services, or via internal or external networks.

Authors are copyright owners of the published article.


Views stated in published articles are not opinions of the editor or the journal. Authors accept legal and moral responsibility for ideas presented in their articles. The publisher accepts no responsibility for damage compensation claims.

About us

The Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal “HALO 194” is a scientific journal published by the Emergency Medicine Institute Belgrade. It was registered as a mass media publication by the Republic Ministry of Information decision number 2206 on July 22nd, 1996.


Editorial Board of the Emergency Medicine Scientific Journal „HALO 194“  
Tel: +381 11 3615 0151
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency Medicine Institute Belgrade
 Franchet d'Espèrey Boulevard No 5
11000 Belgrade


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